Lionheart Press

Lionheart Press


Inexplicable Joy
The Buddhist Enneagram
Look, Look, Look, Look, Look Again
Eat to Love
The Four Noble Truths of Love


Photo of Susan Piver

Susan Piver is a Buddhist teacher and the New York Times bestselling author of The Hard Questions, The Wisdom of a Broken Heart, Start Here Now, The Four Noble Truths of Love, The Buddhist Enneagram, and others. Piver has been a student of Buddhism since 1993. She is founder of the Open Heart Project, a virtual meditation community with 20,000 members all over the world. She lives in Somerville, MA, and Austin, TX.

To learn more, please visit

Photo of Jenna Hollenstein

Jenna Hollenstein is an anti-diet dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, meditation teacher, and author of five books, including Eat to Love, Mommysattva, and Intuitive Eating for Life. She integrates Intuitive Eating with mindfulness to help women go from hating their bodies and fearing food to rediscovering joy in eating and movement and reconnecting with their true selves. Jenna is the founder of the Intuitive Eating for Life Community, an online support group that meets several times a week and provides a safe, confidential space to heal from the trauma of diet culture. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and teaches at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Yoga Journal, Health, Self, Lion’s Roar, Mindful, Vogue, Elle, Glamour, and Women’s World.

Photo of Kevin Thomas Townley, Jr

Bobbi Will Be Jealous by Julia Gandrud

Kevin Thomas Townley, Jr is a writer, filmmaker, actor, singer, and meditation instructor. He began formally studying Buddhism in 2010 and currently practices with the Sokuko-Ji Zen community under the guidance of Kyoun Sokuzan. He has taught Buddhism and meditation for over a decade. His film and television work includes appearances in My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Men in Black 3, The Detour, and Law & Order. With his band, Bambï, Townley adapted Judith Rossner’s Looking for Mr. Goodbar into the rock opera GOODBAR, performed at The Public Theater. He has written extensively for the Waterwell theater company and Rookie magazine. He has also led hundreds of art tours in museums across the country, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, and Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. This is his first book. For more information and to watch his short film Who Knows?, visit


Founded by Susan Piver and Crystal Gandrud, Lionheart Press offers books that merge Buddhism with everyday life. Wherever it takes hold, Buddhist wisdom transforms its environment, but Buddhism is also changed by its environment. That is the magical, resilient alchemy of truth. Nothing static, nothing stale.

Lionheart takes its name and inspiration from three lions:

The Green Lion Devouring the Sun

The Green Lion Devouring the Sun. An alchemical image in The Rosarium Philosophorum, a foundational alchemy text devoted to the practice and path of integrating masculine and feminine energies with the view to transmuting confusion, thereby enriching the world. The image represents our powerful, awakened nature, which is willing to eat (transmute) anything under the sun, including the sun itself, to gain wisdom.

I am the true green and Golden Lion without cares,
In me all the secrets of the Philosophers are hidden.”

da Vinci's mechanical lion

da Vinci’s mechanical lion. History asserts that Leonardo built the lion for Francis I, but history is written to strong arm events into patriarchal narratives. In reality, Leonardo created the lion for Francis I’s sister, Marguerite de Navarre. Marguerite was a philosopher-poet-spiritual warrior who suffered harsh criticism from those who did not like her sex dancing in these arenas. To thank her for her friendship, patronage, and protection, Leonardo created a life-sized metal lion that walked, sat, and opened its chest to offer her lilies, Marguerite’s symbol. The automaton represents brilliant appreciation for feminine warriorship, intelligence, and love.

The Perky Lion of Shambhala Buddhist teachings

The Perky Lion of the Shambhala Buddhist teachings. One of the Four Dignities, or energies to cultivate for an awakened life, introduced to the occidental world by Tibetan Buddhist master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. The Perky Lion’s joyful mind is never caught in the doubt the arises from a lack of synchronization of body, speech, and mind. Because of this, she enjoys a continuous delight in the discipline that arises from simply being. She plays in the higher realms, leaping on snow-peaked mountains. Everything she does is energetic, dignified, beautiful, artful.

Contact Us

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Please read the submissions guidelines below if it concerns your work. 

For all Foreign Rights queries, please contact
Anna Knutson Geller at Write View
(718) 710-5202

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Lionheart Press publishes modern dharma that the exists within an ancient lineage. Our books seek to add to the thoughtful conversation about the puzzlements of 21st century (and beyond) life.

We work with authors who have a special area of expertise intersecting and/or merging with the Buddhadharma. We only publish authors who are also meditation and dharma teachers of longstanding, often with their own communities and students. Please read some of our books before submitting and tell us why you think you are a good fit for the press.

We have a strong preference for dharma from the Vajrayana and Zen traditions, as well as Taoism and Bön.

We are currently looking for submissions related to death, illness, mental health, parents, pets, money, sex, racism, misogyny, art, history, physics, and philosophy (especially 20th and 21st century philosophy).

We would consider experimental essay.

We do not publish memoir of any kind, fiction, or poetry.

Please submit full proposals, including 1500 words or a sample chapter of the proposed work.

Only submissions sent to can be considered.

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